Thursday, September 14, 2006


IJ, on this day two years ago, all 11 lbs. 2 oz. of you entered this world. I can't believe it's already been two years. I still call you my little boy (well, you were never really little...), but you're getting to be a big boy just like your brother. You use the potty, you sleep in a bunk bed that you share with C, you can pretend you are a dog or a frog and jump on all fours shouting "Ibbit! Ibbit!". You can color pictures and draw circles. You can build towers out of mega blocks or be monster IJ, stomping your feet and using your "demonic voice". Your words are easily understandable, and you know so many of them, although you still insist that your name is "Me." But that's okay. I love how you pronounce your brother's name. And recently I've even seen you count five fingers, one by one. Sometimes I wish I could freeze you with your cute little dimply smile at this age forever...when you're not being a little snot, that is. :) Happy Birthday IJ.

newborn IJ in the hospital

newborn IJ in his bassinet
IJ and piglet at 1 month
IJ at 5 months
"We want cooookies!" 6 months
IJ's first birthday
IJ at a year and a half
IJ at 2 (birthday pics to come when we have his party)

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