Saturday, November 11, 2006


R, at 24, is a veteran, and that always seems really weird to me. Whenever I thought of the word "veteran" before, I would think of old gray haired guys at the VFW. R even gets VFW magazines in the mail, and it seems that most of the advertisements are geared towards old men: ads for scooters and hearings aids and such. But I guess veterans aren't just old guys anymore.

The pictures above are from R's homecoming from Iraq in January. C was so happy that daddy was home that he took off running for him as soon as he saw R. I think C may have actually spied him before the rest of us. This of course made us all start bawling, but at least they were happy tears. :)

Happy Veteran's Day to all you veterans out there, young and old alike. And remember our troops who are over there fighting for freedom today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freedom to what? Live in a theocracy and die at the hands of out-of-control drill wielding militias? Big improvement..