First off, can I say how much I love that pregnancy ticker up there? It's not just cutesy-cutesy, it's informative with a touch of humor. He/She is peeing in me! Hehe! :D
Anyways, a lot has gone on around here the past week that I need to get caught up on. I think I've seen enough of a certain medical center to last me for a while, although my visits were for mostly good reasons.
Last Monday I had my first OB appointment, well what should have been the first one if I didn't have all that hospital business. And you know the first one is always the best kind, the feet-in-the-stirrups kind. Yippee. Buuuut, through feet-in-the-stirrups, I got the first good pictures of the baby. And oh boy, was that kid excited! A flip here, a wiggle there. He/She was jumping around all over, which was very reassuring for me. (Okay, I've really gotta come up with some kind of nickname for this kid until we pick a name.)
11 weeks-see the little hand and the foot? (click on the photos to see a larger size)
this is the baby's face
measuring the perfect size for 11 weeks
I got a real shocker when I stood on the scale at the office. While I was in the hospital I lost ten pounds. Which wouldn't be a big deal if I wasn't only 118 before I went in the hospital. Yeah, the scale read 108. I haven't weighed 108 since before I had C. It kind of freaked me out a little, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned so I guess I shouldn't worry. And I know I'm already gaining it back, since I weighed myself a couple of days ago and it said 110. Soon I'm sure I'm going to want to stop looking at the scale, since with both boys I gained nearly 50 pounds and it was a little scary to look at those numbers near the end...
My doctor also had a medical student in the office with her, which was fun. Mostly since I'm different than most women out there, so I got to be a learning experience for him. :) First off, I have a lump in each of my breasts, which I got checked out last year (I just have lumpy boobs :). So she had him feel those. I also have a cervix that points in the opposite direction of most womens', which I have known about since I was pregnant with C. So I got to have that special area examined twice. Fun stuff. But what can I say, I'm special. ;)
Tuesday I was back at this certain medical center but on a different floor to get my staples out. Where I found out that they're not sure exactly what they took out of me. They know they took out my fallopian tube and the cyst, but I may or may not still have the ovary. Either it was too destroyed for it to be identifiable, or the surgeon didn't take it out. It doesn't really make a difference since I don't have the tube to connect it anyway, but I still find it rather amusing. I have the mysterious disappearing ovary! And guess what the surgeon told me as he was clip-clip-clipping out my staples (it's just great to have a conversion with someone who's pulling metal bits out of you): apparently I was a learning case for him too! They have no idea why the hell I got that cyst, and they still don't know if it came from the ovary or not. I think I'm done with being special. I'm ready to go back to having nice normal pregnancies.
Oh, and I wish I would have taken a picture of my belly before the staples came out. It was pretty gnarly looking. Now I have this sticky tape stuff on it and that's just not as Frankenstein-ish. It was perfect for Halloween. :)
This is getting rather long and the boys are getting cranky, so I do believe I will finish this tomorrow...hopefully. (Yeah, I know I'll say I'll post something "tomorrow" and then "tomorrow" turns into a week...)